Report Card Information

 Information about grading:

Our math and literacy curricula, Bridges and EL, are a “spiraling” curricula, which means that key concepts are not taught all at once and completed. Rather, the same concept is presented repeatedly throughout the year, but with deepening layers of complexity. What that means for report card grading is that most students will be developing towards the end-of-year standards during Q2 because they have not yet had the opportunity to learn and fully demonstrate their mastery of various standards. Receiving a grade of developing does not mean that your student is not understanding the material or is performing below grade-level. Most students will not achieve a meeting mark in math until the end of the year, when the math and literacy standards will have been fully addressed.

We assess student work differently in science and social studies because they are not spiraling curricula. In those subjects we consider whether students are consistently meeting the current expectations, not the end-of-year expectations.


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