What's Up in 5th Grade?

                  What's Up in 5th Grade?

  • Tuesday, February 14th--Read Your Heart Out Day
  • Thursday, February 23rd--Hamilton Forms due to teacher
  • Friday, February 24th--No school for students (PD day)
  • Saturday, March 4th--Glow Ball 5:30-7:30
  • Friday, March 17th--Trinity Irish Dancers @ 1:00 pm
  • Friday, March 24th--Opera for the Young @9:30
  • March 27th-31st--Spring Break
  • Monday, April 3rd--4th Quarter begins
  • Friday, April 7th--Early release for students (conference prep)
  • Monday, April 10th--No school for students (PD) day
  • Thursday, April 13th--Early release for students for conferences
  • Friday, May 26th--No school for students (PD day)
  • Monday, May 29th--No School for Memorial Day 
  • Thursday, June 1st--5th Grade Field Trip to Lake Kegonsa
  • Wednesday, June 7th--5th Grade Moving On Ceremony (1 pm ?)
  • Thursday, June 8th--Last Day of 5th Grade!!!

New News......

  • How about that snow and ice??  Wow!!

Oldie, but goodies ..... 

  • Hamilton Forms are due by Thursday, February 23rd to your classroom teacher. 
  • Check out the blog post about the Glow Ball on March 4th!!
  • We Read Youth Voices Writing Contest

    Madison Public Library will once again host the We Read Youth Voices Writing Contest in collaboration with Forward Madison FC in the spring of 2023. Youth 18 and under are encouraged to submit a story, poem, song, etc. to the contest, with the opportunity to win prizes and be published in the We Read Anthology. The library will be announcing the new youth ambassador, theme and prize info in March, with submissions for the contest opening on Monday, April 3, 2023. For more info, visit:


  • Families, Please find the January Advanced Learning Newsletter at this link. 

5th Grade Math this week....

  • February Number Corner--This month we will be revisiting the old friend known as area.  We will look at the dimensions of various objects and multiply to find the area of each object in square units.   In addition, we will be measuring liquids and converting liters and deciliters to  milliliters and back again.  
  • This week we focused our learning around creating, solving and showing understanding for fraction story problems. 

Literacy this week....

  • Our theme for Module 2--Rainforests. 
  • This week we wrote our own narrative writing for our mid-unit assessment.  Then we used this narrative as a draft to do some revisions and editing.
  • Next week they will begin the end of unit 3 assessment. 
Science this week....
  • Next week we will start our third science unit-Earth Systems.
  • Unit Question:  What can determine how much water is available for human use?
  • Chapter One: Why does more rain form over West Ferris than East Ferris?
Social Studies this week....
  •  Black History Month---  Classrooms may differ on what they are doing, so be sure to ask your kiddo what they did. 

SELS this week...

  • Intersectionality (Part 2)
  • Randall's behavior incentive goal for February is "Bring a Stuffie / Read In Day"
  •  We are focusing on being kind and respectful greetings
  • February's Goal for the whole school: 1000  Paws
  • Here's the Randall Way video for February - 
    The Randall Way--February

Interested in volunteering at Randall or chaperoning a field trip with your student's class? - start the process by visiting the Volunteering page at MMSD’s website.


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What's Up in 5th Grade?

What's Up in 5th Grade?

What's Up in 5th Grade?