What's Up in 5th Grade?


  • Monday, May 29th--No School for Memorial Day 
  • Tuesday, May 30th--Chromebook/Charger check
  • Wednesday, May 31st--Superbowl at Randall
  • Thursday, June 1st--5th Grade Field Trip to Lake Kegonsa
  • Monday, June 5th-Franklin/Randall Ice Cream Sandwich Social @ Brittingham Park Shelter 5:30-7:00 pm
  • Wednesday, June 7th--5th Grade Moving On Ceremony/Music Concert from 1:30 pm- the end of the day 
  • Thursday, June 8th--5th Grade Field Trip to Vilas Park 
    • 11:15-1:45 pm (sack lunches)
  • Thursday, June 8th--Last Day of 5th Grade 

New News...

  • No School on Monday, May 29th in observance Memorial Day.  Enjoy the extra time with family!
  • Tuesday, May 30th is our designated chromebook and chromebook charger check day.  Please make sure that your 5th grader has their charger at school with them that day.  After it is inspected and cleared it will go home with your 5th grader.  All 5th graders will take their chromebook home at the end of the school year for the summer.  
  • Reminders for Lake Kegonsa Field Trip!

    1.   Bring a Lunch / Drink / water bottle (no glass) 

    2.   Appropriate clothing for the weather and activities, as well as a hat. 

    3.  No electronics AT ALL!! They will be confiscated and kept until a parent comes to pick them up.

    4. There are no concessions sold at the park, do not bring money.

    5. We will leave right away in the morning, so please make sure you are on time!

    6. There will be NO swimming nor dipping feet/toes in the water while at Lake Kegonsa.

    7. Randall Raccoons must stay on the marked paths.

    8. Each child is responsible for their own supplies/lunch/waterbottle/etc so bring a backpack, which you will also be responsible for.

    9. Wear appropriate clothing for hiking if that is what you are signed up for. 

    10. All fishing equipment, bait, tackle must be provided by those that are fishing. 

    11. You may bring along sports equipment, books, playing cards, etc, but it MUST fit in your backpack and YOU are responsible for it. 

    Please discuss all of these expectations with your child.

Oldie, but goodies ..... 

  • The Franklin-Randall PTO invites you to celebrate the end of the school year with an “Ice Cream Sandwich Social” gathering in Brittingham Park.
    Monday, June 5th 2022
    5:30-7 pm (**NEW TIME**)
    Brittingham Park Shelter
    829 W. Washington Ave.
    Come enjoy a Monday evening of playground fun with Franklin-Randall students, caregivers & school community. Pack a blanket/chairs and come dance and play to the sounds of Mr. Moffit’s band The N’achos! We will be providing ice cream sandwiches for all. Feel free to bring a picnic dinner.
  • Even though the the ABC countdown is normally a 3rd grade thing, all our 5th graders didn't get to experience this when they were in 3rd grade, so we are giving it a go! Here is a link to a sample calendar.  Please note:individual classrooms may change certain dates, so ask your kiddo what is going on in their classroom.  ABC Countdown
  • Please return permission slips for our field trips in June as soon as you can.  Also consider volunteering to chaperone with us :)  
  • 5th Grade Moving On Ceremony/Music Concert will be held on Wednesday, June 7th from 1:30 pm- the end of the day (more info to come) 
  • Randall Talent Show--Tuesday, June 6th

5th Grade Math this week....

  • May Number Corner--This month will involve us working with liquid volume measurement, coordinate grids and fraction multiplication.
  • We are "zoo'ming" to the end of the year with our Volume Zoo Math Project.
  • We are also taking some time to revisit and strengthen some of our 5th grade standards from earlier in the year.
  • Our final math project of the year may include some work with food truck designs and business plans. 

Literacy this week....

  • We are loving our Number the Stars   book study! After reading each chapter, students are asked to show their understanding through a variety of tasks that are working to strengthen our reading and writing skills.  Ask your 5th grader about the book!
  • To support our trade book unit, students are also being given time to read some picture books and books on Epic about WWII.  
Science this week....
  • Ecosystem Restoration Unit Question:  How do organisms in an ecosystem get the matter and energy they need to grow and thrive?
  • Ecosystem Restoration Chapter Three Question:  Why aren't the cecropia trees growing and thriving in the soil?
  • We are officially done with our science units for 5th grade!!!
  • Next week we will FINALLY get into that mapping unit that we mentioned earlier in the year that kept getting pushed back.  What a fun way to close out the year. :)

SELS this week...

  • Randall's behavior incentive goal for May is  "Popsicle Party"
  •  We are focusing on "Being Helpful"
  • May's Goal for the whole school:  1,200 Paws
  • Here's the "Randall Way" video for May: 

Interested in volunteering at Randall or chaperoning a field trip with your student's class? - start the process by visiting the Volunteering page at MMSD’s website.


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What's Up in 5th Grade?

What's Up in 5th Grade?

What's Up in 5th Grade?